Thursday, June 4, 2015

The events of September 15 two years .. mystery .. and perhaps more years

The events of September 15 two years .. mystery .. and perhaps more years

.. Collision historical snapshot looking for a secret!
Cairo Today Jalal Sabri
.. It was the Jewish French Nustr Adamos (1503 - 1564) predicted the September 11 attacks five centuries ago, when he said in one of his predictions: (in the first year of the new century and nine months after burn the sky at a temperature of 45 and will reach the fire to the new major city), and also when he said (in the city of York thunderous explosion will happen .. In the chaos Sathaoy twin brothers .. While the castle is falling apart .. die .. great leader and the third big war will break out .. begin when the big city in the combustion) .. and understand a lot on he beginning of World War III (Armageddon) war.
Fifteen mystery in the events of 11 of September 2001, in addition to more than twenty located in America, Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan preceded and accompanied the those events, emphasizes documents and images to be larger plan deception in history, where allied international Zionism with America - force the world's greatest - and Freemasonry for the production of these big lie to justify the implementation of Jewish world domination scheme.
So prosecutors are that the alleged war against terrorism is a reaction to the attacks of 11 September is the allegation is false, as the prosecution responsibility of bin Laden and al-Qaida from launching these attacks is also claim void, where the United States was striving to invade Afghanistan and hit bin Laden and al-Qaida and the Taliban rules by those events, even if sufficient evidence is not available to convict them.
In the framework refute these allegations comes Book (September 11 .. big lie) writer Mohammed Safi al-Din, who is trying to highlight those puzzles and shed light on the facts that refute US allegations. Where the author deals with these puzzles in the first section, as follows:
The first puzzle: the US administration announced a list of all the names of the hijackers of the four planes they are 19 Arabs, mostly Saudis and Emiratis led by an Egyptian. But after so many Arab capitals confirmed the existence of a number of suspects alive, and the last number died before the events of 11 September period. As well as the US government did not send to the Saudi government confirms any Saudi involvement in those events in addition to the lack of any name from the names of the suspects in the lists of the four hijacked passenger planes.
The second puzzle: on a number of points are:
How to penetrate the kidnapped US airports in the timing of the one carrying weapons, which took control of the aircraft.
High-skill that afternoon by the captains of the hijacked aircraft, despite the announcement of the US administration that they had received training at a school to teach beginners the leadership of the aircraft.
How to get the kidnapped presidential blade contact and sending a threatening letter to US President, also announced the US administration, as well as how they taught them the movements of the president in the air despite their communications interruption.
The reasons for the failure of President Bush cut short his visit to one of the elementary schools to cope despite his knowledge since the aircraft departure from the usual tracks and continuity at the school for 25 minutes after the occurrence of events without taking any reaction.
Third puzzle: the reasons associated with the failure of the US Air Force or Air Defense Force to confront the hijacked planes, although a long time after the exit from the usual course arrived about an hour.
Fourth puzzle: the reasons for the failure of the US fighter interceptors in Andrews Air Force Base to intercept the hijacked planes, especially that Al-Qaeda is the largest US air base on the east coast, and that the two squadrons of fighter interceptors dedicated to the defense of the US capital, in addition to it the seat of a plane by US President (Airforce 1).
There is also another puzzle regard to al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda as the site was mentioned throughout the day of September 11, he was the headquarters of the two squadrons of interceptor planes, but starting on September 12 changed the location information and who gave al-Qaida just for the air transport squadrons headquarters only.
Puzzle V: exposed reasons the US authorities reservation on the tapes that depicted the plane that crashed into the Pentagon and not to allow relaying, but not the announcement of its presence mainly, also denied the US administration and the presence of another plane was flying near the plane that hit the Pentagon, despite confirmation of a number of witnesses seeing her eye, then return the US administration and its declaration of the existence of these aircraft and the emphasis on it has the task of aircraft that hit the Pentagon at the request of the air control tower control, which means that the control tower was aware of everything that happens.
Puzzle VI associated reasons for non-use American technology to control remotely in control of the hijacked planes, especially that many of trusted international officials confirmed the existence of a secret project US to face hijacking based on the existence of the control of ground stations specializing You may listen to the crew talks inside pilot's cabin and its leadership after all, regardless of the will of the flight crew or abducted.
Seventh puzzle: the causes of waiting for the US government a full six months after the September events Radio video about the Pentagon incident where there is no state image refers to the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, or anything the like.
Puzzle VIII linked to the fact that the attack on the Pentagon, which can be referred to a number of points are:
The images that appeared for the part of the exposure of the incident from the Pentagon suggest that the outer row of one of the buildings is the only who was injured, and this contrasts with what could be caused by the collision of 757 Boeing aircraft weighing more than 100 tons and speed of the moment the attack about 425 km / h.
The plane only destroyed the ground floor of the building while the four senior roles remained on condition that the plane despite a height of about 14 meters and a length of about 47.5 meters high and cabins leadership about 3.5 meters.
The lack of wreckage of the plane that hit the building.
Some pictures showed that the grass at the scene remained intact without causing damage or burns, how you can explain it ?!
The display section collapsed about 24 meters, however, the US administration announced that the two wings of the plane, which has a 47-meter Toulhma have settled inside the collapsed section.
Puzzle IX: complete collapse of the twin towers of the World Trade Center was not possible to do so without the presence of explosives had been planted inside the building, and the proof of this lies in the pictures taken for the second plane that crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center, it showed that there was no smoke at all mounts from the tower at the level of the plane approaching or below. But before the collision direct smoke appeared to rise after several floors below the plane level.
Puzzle X: received by staff from working headquarters for the company Odigo for e-mail services, an Israeli US company, in the sixth hour of the day 11 of September 2001 morning, two letters reminding that the attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center will be located shortly after, has contacted the company's administration immediately with instruments of US and Israeli security to tell them.
Puzzle atheist ten: suspicious transactions conducted in US and European stock markets in the past few days on September 11, which are all focused in a big sell-off and unusual shares my company United Airlines and American (my girlfriends stricken four aircraft).
Puzzle XII: The effect of combustion and fuel the planes that struck the twin towers of the Trade Center collapse has, where you can reference to the following:
The north tower remained for a period of 103 minutes after the plane by a collision before it breaks down, unlike the south tower, which fell after only 47 minutes of the collision, and despite the fact that the towers exposed to the same temperature, because it resulted from the ignition the same type of fuel in the planes and in quantities roughly equal, as well as Although the first plane hit the mid-interface north tower and plunged the entire inside, while the second plane crashed near the southern corner of the tower, meaning that there is a difference between Altsadamin show its importance in the plane and fuel the second a large amount of it have been blown out of the south of the building, and thus fuel magnitude of which flared inside This tower was slimmer than that amount, which flared up the north tower.
The aircraft's fuel boils at 176 ° C and ignite at 250 ° C to give the heat up to 815 degrees Celsius, and that means that the ignition and fuel the planes can not lead to steel user smelting in the towers where smelting this iron requires a temperature of 1538 ° C , and therefore, the ignition and fuel the planes is not responsible for the collapse of the twin towers.
The fall of both towers were identical and vertically disciplined, means that the collapse began on both occasions uniformly in all parts of the ceiling which collapsed first and cause of the collapse cascade of Bishop located beneath it, which means that all the solid pillars bearing the roof had been heated in a one and a regular time So every point earned on the same amount of heat sufficient for melting, Vansr steel in all of them at one time and how the same.
The collapse skylights concrete in the towers were the same way as the collapse of the building and at the same time, and despite the fact that the heat on the concrete impact is different from its effect on steel, which means that these skylights was not supposed to fall or at least was going to collapse differently or in the timing different.
Puzzle XIII: respect the intention of one US officers who was on an intelligence mission in Moscow in 2000 for private documents of official procedures anti-US anti-missile program, where he found within this document are talking about an impending terrorist attacks within the United States against the World Trade Center towers documents and the Pentagon. And when he was arrested the officer in Canada on charges of fraud, he announced the existence of this document, but the US government refused this novel.
XIV puzzle: despite the fact that the US administration announced that the Egyptian Mohammed Atta, is the leader of the groups that carried out bombings of September 11, but after the events appeared surprises confirmed the opposite of them:
The father said that his son Mohammed Atta contact after September 11, which is under threat, as the unidentified kidnapped him and forced him to contact him from an undisclosed location, believed to be his son had been killed after that.
Access approval to extend the establishment of Atta and al-Shehhi in March 2002 to the college that trains where Atta from the US Immigration Department.
The emergence of signs that Atta and his colleagues trained to fly in the United States has been in the intelligence operation carried out by the CIA, where evidence linking global Huffman Aviation College in Florida and the US intelligence afternoon.
Puzzle XV: respect the story of the death of (Joe O'Neill), former Deputy Chairman of the FBI, US during the collapse of the north tower of the World Trade Center, where he was primarily responsible for the hunt for Osama bin Laden since 1993, but he resigned before the events of September 11, two weeks because of his belief that the Bush administration deliberately obstruct its investigations against terrorism, but he accused it blocked to deliver bin Laden to the US administration initiative Taliban in return for political and economic aid. O'Neill announced the charges, which led to its transformation into a source of threat to the US administration must get rid of it.
In Part II writer subjected to a number of facts that have taken place in parallel with the events of 11 September, or earlier period, pointing out that the scrutiny of the facts available before, during and after the September 11 conflict with the current trends of the US administration, the invasion of Afghanistan and support for Israel's invasion of the Palestinian autonomous territories and boot to hit Iraq, they also refute the official version of the US government from those events, both for the claim that the attacks masterminded by Osama bin Laden from his base in Afghanistan, or the claim that the alleged war against terrorism is a reaction to the events of 11 September, and most important of these facts are:
The arrival of US President George W. Bush to power was dubious and illegitimate, so it sought this legitimacy that he came up to the events of 11 September to provide him with what he needs.
The members of the US administration are former officials of the oil companies US major, as well as those interested in Central Asia and the former Soviet Union region, and this fits with what was being planned for this region, was implemented after the events of 11 September, which is access to the Caspian Sea.
The Middle East Petroleum and Petroleum South Asia are the main concern and the first item on the agenda of the current US administration's agenda, not only because of the very direct financial links to members of the US administration with oil, but because of oil for the United States is very important especially in light of studies that have confirmed that oil production It has now reached the peak, which means he will start to deteriorate rapidly, continuous and which threatens to change the character of civilization completely in just twenty years.
The economic colonialism former Soviet Union is the second item in the agenda of the current US administration's agenda, which is nested with petroleum item, Russia not only has a vast untapped resources that will save the Great American capitalism from its crisis, but Russia also remain defiant sole of the United States in the region a nuclear and militarily, and therefore, the invasion of Afghanistan, which ended with him the current US administration is very natural and logical extension of US strategy in two decades moving towards the following objectives:
Control over South Asia and the Middle East Petroleum.
Contain and colonize the former Soviet Union.
Ensure the security of Israel.
Perhaps the presence of a former advisor to US oil company Unocal at the head of the new US-backed Afghan government, Hamid Karzai, which, in addition to the US special envoy to Afghanistan is also adviser to the company, supports that view.
Announcement Pakistani Foreign Minister that senior US officials cautious Pakistanis in mid-July 2001 that the military action was planning to take against Afghanistan in mid-October, which means that the planning for the invasion of Afghanistan had been before the September events.
The war waged by the United States against Afghanistan and led to the overthrow of the ruling Taliban, led at the same time return to poppy cultivation in Afghanistan again after he was prevented movement in 2000 and surged twice. Perhaps the start of the US invasion of Afghanistan on 7 October 2001 came from an appropriate date so that makes the war coincided with the start of the poppy cultivation season.
The attacks of September 11 gave the US administration a strong case for the invasion of Afghanistan, after the focus of the wrath of global Freemasonry on the Taliban regime because of the destruction of the Buddha statues in the winter of 2001, and considered as an aggression on the spirit of religious tolerance and pluralism ideological alleged taken by the Masonic cover to hit all of Religions for globalization.
The invasion of Afghanistan is not aimed at al-Qaeda and the Taliban as far as targeting Pakistan's nuclear bomb, which he calls the West and Israel (a nuclear bomb Islamic), which they consider a threat to the security of Israel, and perhaps the statements and leaks Israeli and US that have appeared before the September events and during the invasion of Afghanistan, confirms that this was planned before the events.
The events of 11 September details confirm that the planned and carried out is Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda is not, those who abducted the four aircraft and Ugeoha towards its goals, and stopped any interference or objection to it by my weapon air and air defense are a group those with the status of a high and the power of the dominant, as well as The lack of any significant other terrorist operations in Europe and America after the events of September 11, despite the fact that the United States of killing thousands of Afghans and the arrest of hundreds of al-Qaida and the Taliban and taken inside the cages to Guantanamo, confirms that the organization is not done those events.
The US troops by clicking on the Northern Alliance forces, after the fall of the capital, Kabul, in their hands, not to incursions hand Kandahar to eliminate the remnants of al-Qaida and the Taliban and capture Osama bin Laden and the leaders of the organization and movement, which led to the escape of Osama bin Laden and a large number of the organization's leaders to Outside Afghanistan, although the United States announced it was seeking to kill bin Laden or his arrest and monitored so prize of $ 25 million, as well as there are reports indicated the same direction, where confirmed that US forces allowed the aircraft Pakistani land at Kunduz airport and evacuated large numbers of fighters Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
In October 2001 the United States had been unknown attacks the source with anthrax spores (anthrax) by sending letters carried by mail to a number of US officials, have these attacks coincided with the invasion of Afghanistan, but evidence later confirmed that these attacks are the planning and implementation of the company ( Beauport Corpurshen) and is the only US company licensed to manufacture the vaccine protective of anthrax disease, where this company has faced a major recession in sales after the US Federal Auditing Agency to impose a ban on dealing with her, prompting her to such attacks with the help of the US administration, which achieved huge gains after the price of the ounce rose to $ 3.5 to 6.9, it is known that this company is owned by each of the Admiral (Crow) and (Carlyle Group) owned by former US President George HW Bush and bin Laden family.
He then started to hysteria that hit the American society after the events of September and led to the proliferation of conspiracy theories, including delusions and faith, where:
Accused US intelligence as the US draws feelings of anger toward the Palestinians, published photographs highlight the joy and celebration to the attacks on America, the old photographs dating back to the days of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
Spread rumors absence 4000 Trade Center Jew working day of the attack and spread a similar rumor about the investigation with five Israelis prepared to film the attacks Bkamirathm since its inception.
The views confirm that the Jewish French Nustr Adamos also appeared (1503 - 1564) predicted the September 11 attacks five centuries ago, when he said in one of his predictions: (in the first year of the new century and nine months after burn the sky at a temperature of 45 and will reach the fire to the new metropolis ), and also when he said (in the city of York will happen thunderous explosion .. In the chaos Sathaoy twin brothers .. While the castle is falling apart .. die .. great leader and the third big war will break out .. begin when the big city in the combustion) .. and understand a lot this as the beginning of World War III (Armageddon) war.
As the back of the latest trend to hysteria American society, he believes that the events of 11 September carried out by the World Freemasonry government that American control from within the government to impose a new world order, not in reality only the Antichrist system, and supporting Israel in control of the land of all of Palestine and the establishment of the Temple of Solomon time Third, to replace the al-Aqsa mosque, so as to create conditions for the start of the era of the emergence of the Antichrist and the appearance of Christ the son of Mary, peace be upon him to spend it in the major battle interval (Hermjon) between believers and pagans of their enemies, and their mean Arabs and Muslims.
The hysteria Americans to avenge those who had attacks of September 11, and their obsession to fight what they call terrorism, not an obsession, but the support of Israel and hostility to Arabs and Islam.
The author concludes in the end to the events of September 11, US President Bush may have rescued the son of the many problems that face both at home and abroad. In the outside and confronted his administration's global fierce resistance of the agenda of his administration to defend the alleged freedom, which is in fact the freedom of giants والصفوة الماسونية في امتصاص دماء الشعوب باسم العولمة، وكذلك الموقف الامريكي من معاهدة كيوتو ومؤتمر ديربان ضد العنصرية، حيث توفرت للادارة الامريكية شماعة تعلق عليها كل اخطائها او خطاياها، وضمنت قدرتها على النجاح في العمل العسكري (المباشر او غير المباشر) في القيام باعمال ضد العديد من الجماعات والانظمة عبر العالم لتصفيتها وضمان طاعة كل شعوب العالم لجدول اعمالها.
فقد اعطت الادارة الامريكية، تحت مزاعم الحرب ضد الارهاب، الحق لنفسها في اتهام اية جماعة او نظام بانه يرعى الارهاب، وبالتالي الحق في القضاء عليه، كما حدث في افغانستان والعراق، كذلك اعطت لنفسها الحق في اعتقال أي مشتبه في انتمائه للجماعات الارهابية ومصادرة اموال هؤلاء المشتبه فيهم تحت شعار (تجفيف منابع الارهاب). ومن جهة المشاكل التي واجهت الادارة الامريكية في الداخل، فتتعلق بالحريات المقدسة وكثرة الانتقادات الموجهة إلى الادارة الامريكية وبرنامجها الخارجي بشأن العولمة الذي لا يعني للمواطن الامريكي سوى المزيد من ديكتاتورية الصفوة.

وتفجير البنتاجون رمز الهيبة .. لغز آخر

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