The God of Luciferian Witchcraft is Seth-an, or Set (the
same as Samael, Satan). This is the Egyptian Prince of Darkness, a Lord
of Chaos and sorcerous power. Set should not be considered merely a God
in an anthropomorphic sense, rather a deific force which is the very
essence of our being. When Azazel or Lucifer brought to Cain the Black
Flame of Consciousness, this was as too Set’s gift to mankind. By
working in the circles of Luciferian Craft, you are merely fulfilling
your ancient heritage. While some choose paths less dangerous than this;
the reality of witchcraft as a Luciferian Gnosis cannot be denied. The
Great Work in reference to Set is for the magician to seek divinity,
that is awareness, individuality and personal power. By believing in
yourself rather than something ‘higher’ than you (The only Higher
Angelick or Demonic being is YOU, the Luciferic Angel or Holy Guardian
Angel) you become as your models.
Within the Black Tradition the Luciferian Trinity which is composed
of Samael – Lilith – Cain hold significance in the model of practice
within the cult. This Trinity is an alchemical process of becoming in
which the magician aligns and utilizes the deific associations of Samael
– Lilith – Cain to transform their consciousness into the divine
essence which is Baphomet, the Head of Knowledge. To described Samael, a
small section as follows is from LIBER HVHI, a ritual work which
defines the deeper and darker practice of the Left Hand Path in terms of
“It is written in the Bible that Samael/Satan fell from heaven as
lightening, being a flash downwards, who before the fall, was a guarding
Seraph around the throne of God. After his fall he was a master of
death, the very poison of God yet he was also a Giver of Life, being the
father between fallen angel and woman. In later Jewish writings, Samael
is associated with the name Malkira, which Morris Jastrow Jr.
associated with Malik-Ra, being “The Evil Angel” and the name
Matanbuchus, being a form of Angro-Mainyush or Ahriman. Here does the
circle become closed and the nature of the First Angel become perceived
or sensed. In ongoing ritual work, the magician begins identifying his
or herself with Samael (and Lilith) within the parameters of their own
life and initiation.
The Lord of the Earth, being a name ascribed to Samael (Satan) and
his fallen angels and demons, are but considered astral spirits, that
which no longer take physical form, but may become manifest through the
magician or witch who may make a “pact” with them, being initiation and
dedication to the Left Hand Path. Samael is the patron spirit of the
Left Hand Path, as his Word is what formed our thoughts and gave us the
inner fire of the Black Flame, our individual process of thought and
free will. The magicians who aligned their will with the Left Way, that
of Samael (the Devil), were given powers over the earth in one way or
another; all the while strengthening, defining and expanding their
conscious. In Exodus 7 the magicians were able to make frogs and
serpents by the power they obtained in the Devil, thus such creatures
are astral forms of Ahriman (Samael) and the dreaming body of witches
and sorcerers.” – Liber HVHI
Here we can see that Samael or Satan/Shaitan, is not the all
devouring aspect, but also the savior of humanity and the original
planter of the seed of light in our being. Through Cain did his lineage
survive and continue on spiritually to this present time.
Lilith, being the Bride of the Devil, is one part of the Adversary as
being the dark instinctual side of man and woman, feminine, yet
horrific and loving all within the same breath. Lilith is known by the
Semitic “Layil” which a word is meaning Night, but also the name of the
demon of the storm. Lilith is associated with the screech owl and other
beasts of the wild, as it is where she went after she left heaven to
wander the earth. She is considered one of the Three Assyrian demons
being Ardat Lilit, Lilit and Lilu, but rather these may be just
variations of her name. It is suggested by some Hebrew scholars that
Lilith was worshipped by exiled Jews from Babylon as a goddess of the
Lilith as described in post-biblical literature is viewed as the
Queen of Demons, she went to the caves near the Red Sea and copulated
with fallen angels to beget other demons, she also taught (according to
Manichaean lore – Az) the fallen angels how to form bodies and have
sexual relations to give life to other ‘dragon children’. She was said
to have been the reunited with her mate Samael (Ahriman) after the fall,
when he would not be roused by his fellow fallen ones and demons, only
the words of Az (Lilith) could rouse him. He then kissed her form and
caused menstruation, which was passed on to all women as Lilith is
directly connected with their fiery and dark sides.
The Goddess of Luciferian Witchcraft is Lilith or Babalon, as
described previously. She is also Hecate, the Darkened Moon Goddess of
the Cunning Circle, whose blessing is both youth, imagination and death.
The Son is within you and that is Cain, the Baphometic Daemon whose
magick is the core essence of the religion of sorcery. The very circle
casting rite as written by Gerald Gardner presents the Mother of
Witchcraft, “Mother, Darksome and Divine, Mine the Scourge and Mine the
Kiss, The Five-point Star of Love and Bliss”. Within the circle there is
the very Graal of the Adversary, that through Self-Love can the essence
of the Pentagram be sensed and understood. He refers to Hecate or
Lilith (via Diana) as being “Hell’s dark mistress, Heaven’s Queen.” This
is the dual nature of the Devil and his Bride, the Adversary. That by
both Sabbat rites does the cup of Heaven (Aethyr, Luciferian Sabbat) and
Hell (Infernal, Chthonic Sabbat) are filled.
Cain was the Son born of by some accounts Samael (the Devil) and Lilith (through Eve), the first Satanist and Witch.
“It is said within the dark traditions that the Bible is mistaken
with regards to Cain’s true parentage. Cain was in fact a half human,
half demon bastard child of Adam and Lilith. It was for this reason that
the Lord would not accept his offerings and prayers, rather than any
specific demands of animal sacrifice. The tale continues with Cain being
cursed to wander the earth as a vagabond, with the ground he tills
never giving bounty.” – Nathaniel J. Harris, The Mark of Cain, the First Satanist and First Murder
In certain rabbinical literature, the Daughters of Cain were those
who joined in sexual union with the Fallen Angels, the Watchers, and
gave birth to the Nephilim, the Giants who were war like and brutal.
They were said to have populated the earth in plenty, and attacked the
children of Seth. In Manichaean lore, the Queen of Demons and spiritual
initiator of Cain, Lilith – Az, taught the fallen angels to form
physical bodies and join with others sexually. It is suggested also by
writers Kaufmann Kohler, W.H. Bennett and Louis Ginzberg that the
Children of Cain spent their days at the foot of a mountain (Eden?)
practicing in wild orgies with the music of Lucifer through that created
by Jubal. Women, the first Pairikas or Faeries/Witches, in their
beautiful appearances, invited the sons of Seth (children of god) and
copulated with them, bearing other children. This Jewish Folklore
presents the earliest forms of the Witches Sabbat as a Luciferian
celebration and practice of sexual magick.
“To Philo, likewise, Cain is the type of avarice, of “folly and
impiety” (“De Cherubim,” xx.), and of self-love (“De Sacrificiis Abelis
et Caini”; “Quod Deterius Potiori Insidiari Soleat,” 10). “He built a
city” (Gen. iv. 17) means that “he built a doctrinal system of
law-lessness, insolence, and immoderate indulgence in pleasure” (“De
Posteritate,” 15); and the Epicurean philosophers are of the school of
Cain, “claiming to have Cain as teacher and guide, who recommended the
worship of the sensual powers in preference to the powers above, and who
practiced his doctrine by destroying Abel, the expounder of the
opposite doctrine” (ib. 11).” – The Jewish Encyclopedia, compiled by Kaufmann Kohler, W. H. Bennett, Louis Ginzberg
Herein we can see that Cain is thus a flesh and blood embodiment of
the Luciferian Path itself, he is the Son of Satan and Lilith, the dark
essence which is deeply connected with Eve, the wife of Adam. Cain is
not only the patron father of Witches, also the symbol of the initiate
upon the antinomian path.
– from Michael W. Ford and Akhtya Seker Arimanius,
Black Witchcraft: Foundations of the Luciferian
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