Occult Symbolism of Madonna at Superbowl Halftime
Nu-Isis and the Radiance Beyond Space
There is a legend known to Initiates concerning the secret abode of the Goddess:
The Spirit of Nodens - God of the Great Deep - flashed forth as lightning from the depths and formed a throne in celestial realms - a seat of stone - whereon the Goddess was established:
The Heart of the Sigil of Nodens is identical with the Mark of the Beast:
the fusion of O and X which produces the lightning flash. Nodens is the
God of the Great Deep or Abyss: The Seat of Stone is Isis, and upon
this foundation the Goddess is established and rules the heavens, the
earth and the deeps beneath the earth. In other words, the Goddess who
grants all desires is invoked by the union of the X and the O (the
Phallus and the Kteis)
Deeper Insights of Madonna and Illuminati Mind Control - The Free Zone
Madonna's use of the VV and OX symbols represents her worship of the Fallen Angels using the Kabbalism code 66 meaning Qlippoth or the souls of those who died insane.
or Vav in Hebrew equals 6. Each letter has a value and a corresponding
Tarot card. V/6 is the card of the Heirophant or Magus of the Eternal
gods which has hermaphroditic connotations showing the symbol of Mercury
and Venus.
Kabalistic signs and ciphers are being used around us at all times. If one is privy to this information predictions for world events is possible, if one couples this with global politics. This is the path to World War III. First you must defeat the people's hearts then, you can defeat them in war. With discernment of the Kabalistic codes it became easy to predict who would be forced into office. "W"
letter "W" in the mystical practices of Kabalism is emblematic of the
"Dark Side" of magick. It actually means excrement. In magical terms,
"W" is the sign of the Qlippoth which are defined as the souls of those
who died insane. It is said that complete understanding these demons
could result in the destruction of the ego and therefore lead to actual
madness. Dealing with the Qlippoth is the psychic equivalent of working
with toxic waste and it was about to become our President. The event of
forcing "W" into office was the next step in the long term agenda.
People were supposed to know of the voter fraud and link it to Jeb Bush.
Now, the people blame the Bush family and lost sight of the true
sorcerers creating their reality and they have been properly incensed
about losing control of "their" government.
This double V symbolism has been used in the past. Woodrow Wilson "unwittingly ruined" the country by accepting the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which set the stage for the banker take over occurring today. Hitler's war machine, Volkswagen expressed this same meaning and took it a step further. When the two V's are interlaced they form another V making 666. You will also notice that Phillips 66's crest has 6 points. It is the same for Highway 66 which was the first military road to the west to gather the gold.
What do Madonna, Alanis Morisette, Celine Dion, and Angelina Jolie all have in common? They are al related to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Brad Pitt, Gerald Ford, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George W. Bush are all related to President Barack Obama. John McCain is related to both Laura Bush and Britney Spears. George W. Bush is also related to Marilyn Monroe and possibly Aleister Crowley.
Watch The Halftime Show with Madonna
In other words, these are the Watchers, the Nephilim, or the Giants. In Egypt they are symbolized by the Vulture.
no wonder that the Giants defeated the Patriots. Riding as a Valkyrie,
Madonna walks us through a ritual depicting the enslavement of humanity
to their Nazi Overlords. Operation Valkyrie (German: Operation Walküre)
was an emergency continuity of government operations plan developed in
Nazi Germany for the Territorial Reserve Army of Germany to execute and
implement in case of a general breakdown in civil order of the nation.
Failure of the government to maintain control of civil affairs could be
caused by the Allied bombing of German cities, or a rising of millions
of foreign forced laborers working in German factories.
evocation is the basest form of magick, catering to the magician's most
carnal desires. This shadowy practice is for the "intentional
conjuration of spiritual beings who are, by definition, Fallen Angels,
Evil Spirits and Demons!" ~Illustrated Goetia Even the Beast
Aleister Crowley was reluctant to perform such rituals but our
government isn't. Crowley was aware of the possibility of opening the
spatial gateways and of admitting an extraterrestrial Current into the
human life-wave.
Service to self through the Baphomet and turning all into "light-bearers"
Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake - Super Bowl Analysis - Texe Marrs and Freeman
The Sorcerers of Atlantis
The Sorcerers of Atlantis at AV2
Wash Your Brain - Hollywood Mind Control 1
Wash Your Brain - Hollywood Mind Control 2
Obama Cloning and the Coming Space War $24.99
Who is this man we
call the President? Will he cause a Constitutional crisis? What's hidden
within his name and his statements? Is he the coming Anti-Christ
predicted by Nostradamus? Are we witnessing the rise of the Fourth
Reich? Or are things much stranger than we thought?
This 2 disk set includes a DVD of Freeman's presentation, Obama, Cloning and the Coming Space War and a CD with 10 hours of Freeman's radio interviews in MP3 format.
Explore revelations of Lucifer, occult rituals hidden as political speech, and the acceleration of the weaponization of space for a coming space war.

Get all 5 DVDs for one low price.
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Experience 3 hours of mind-bending information, displayed through an undeniable stream of imagery that will change the meaning of all that you see each and every day.
the Freeman Perspective $19.99
Freeman takes you through the doors of Masonic temples and explores the
occult meanings of Corporate Logos. With a scholar's observance, he
unveils the worship of the Illuminati Goddess, Columbia and then,
tackles the more sinister topic of Chemtrails. Freeman assures his
position in the info-war movement, with his award-winning documentary on
HAARP. Freeman presents solutions based within the creative spirit of
humanity. This 3 hour DVD will forever change your perspective of the
world around you.
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Outside the US

Codex Magica $19.99 Prepare yourself for 2 hours of life changing video. Freeman and Texe Marrs discuss illuminati hand-signs and gestures.
Watch Texe Marrs best selling book, Codex Magica, come to life. Explore hundreds of photos of the elite in politics, banking, religion, and entertainment, as Texe and Freeman illustrate their vast knowledge on the subjects of Freemasonry, goddess worship, and occultism. Witness a ritual of witch-craft being performed in the full public view. Understand the meaning behind the kiss of Britney and Madonna. Know that your world is manipulated by occultists.
Inside the US
Outside the US
"Freeman, you know more about this topic than 99.9% of the Christian ministers I have talked with."
--Texe Marrs

Return of the Nephilim 2 disk set $24.99 As in the days of Noah, when the Sons of God came down and took the wives and daughters of men, so too are we now in an age of revelation about our ancient past. Join Freeman on a path down through the ages, as together, we explore the mysteries left encoded in ancient structures and writings and how they affect the world today. Could the New World Order have an ancient past?
Freeman invites thinkers and scholars to discuss the veracity of the ancient astronaut hypothesis. Giorgio Tsoukalos of the Ancient Astronaut Research Center and Michael Tsarion, author of Atlantis, Alien Visitations and Genetic Manipulations, share their knowledge and Freeman meets a Raelian. Dr. Richard Guerrero shares his views as a member of the controversial, extra-terrestrial, Raelian movement. This is 5 hours you don't want to miss folks. Revelation is at hand.
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Outside the US
Anna Nicole Britney & Mind Control $19.99
Could it be that what we are witnessing in our top pop stars recently
is the result of trauma-based mind control? There is a program so grim;
its aspects are difficult to talk about. I am referring to Satanic
Ritual Abuse. It is widespread and goes to the upper echelons of the
world's rulers. Most Americans won't believe that mind control is going
on in the "homeland." Well, it is. Many of the rituals and methods
employed in the mind control projects are inspired by the ancient
mystery schools; blood and sex rituals to their god and goddess. From
ancient Babylon to Nazi Germany and on into America, trauma-based mind
control has been the modus operandi of the Illuminati.
Join Freeman for a discussion of current events involving Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Madonna, Walt Disney and much more. Could our top pop stars be mind controlled slaves for the Illuminati. Is Anna Nicole's baby girl an attempt to raise a "moonchild" through an occult ritual? You decide.
Inside the US
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Stay Tuned - More Occult Analysis Coming
Vigilant Citizen is always a great source for High Profile Ritual Analysis

- See more at: http://freemantv.com/occult-symbolism-of-madonna-at-superbowl-halftime/#sthash.NvvRQJL7.dpufThe Spirit of Nodens - God of the Great Deep - flashed forth as lightning from the depths and formed a throne in celestial realms - a seat of stone - whereon the Goddess was established:
The Heart of the Sigil of Nodens is identical with the Mark of the Beast:
Aleister Crowley and the HIDDEN GOD
by Kenneth Grant
Freeman joins Clyde Lewis at Ground Zero Media
for further investigation of Madonna's Imbolc Super Bowl Ritual, the
death of Whitney Houston, the Alter-Ego of Nicki Minaj, Beyonce's faked
pregnancy, and the "Born This Way" - Satanification of America.by Kenneth Grant
Deeper Insights of Madonna and Illuminati Mind Control - The Free Zone
Kabalistic signs and ciphers are being used around us at all times. If one is privy to this information predictions for world events is possible, if one couples this with global politics. This is the path to World War III. First you must defeat the people's hearts then, you can defeat them in war. With discernment of the Kabalistic codes it became easy to predict who would be forced into office. "W"
This double V symbolism has been used in the past. Woodrow Wilson "unwittingly ruined" the country by accepting the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which set the stage for the banker take over occurring today. Hitler's war machine, Volkswagen expressed this same meaning and took it a step further. When the two V's are interlaced they form another V making 666. You will also notice that Phillips 66's crest has 6 points. It is the same for Highway 66 which was the first military road to the west to gather the gold.
What do Madonna, Alanis Morisette, Celine Dion, and Angelina Jolie all have in common? They are al related to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Brad Pitt, Gerald Ford, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George W. Bush are all related to President Barack Obama. John McCain is related to both Laura Bush and Britney Spears. George W. Bush is also related to Marilyn Monroe and possibly Aleister Crowley.
Watch The Halftime Show with Madonna
In other words, these are the Watchers, the Nephilim, or the Giants. In Egypt they are symbolized by the Vulture.
Service to self through the Baphomet and turning all into "light-bearers"
Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake - Super Bowl Analysis - Texe Marrs and Freeman
The Sorcerers of Atlantis
The Sorcerers of Atlantis at AV2
Wash Your Brain - Hollywood Mind Control 1
Wash Your Brain - Hollywood Mind Control 2

This 2 disk set includes a DVD of Freeman's presentation, Obama, Cloning and the Coming Space War and a CD with 10 hours of Freeman's radio interviews in MP3 format.
Explore revelations of Lucifer, occult rituals hidden as political speech, and the acceleration of the weaponization of space for a coming space war.
Get all 5 DVDs for one low price.
Inside the US
Outside the US
Experience 3 hours of mind-bending information, displayed through an undeniable stream of imagery that will change the meaning of all that you see each and every day.
Inside the US
Outside the US
Codex Magica $19.99 Prepare yourself for 2 hours of life changing video. Freeman and Texe Marrs discuss illuminati hand-signs and gestures.
Watch Texe Marrs best selling book, Codex Magica, come to life. Explore hundreds of photos of the elite in politics, banking, religion, and entertainment, as Texe and Freeman illustrate their vast knowledge on the subjects of Freemasonry, goddess worship, and occultism. Witness a ritual of witch-craft being performed in the full public view. Understand the meaning behind the kiss of Britney and Madonna. Know that your world is manipulated by occultists.
Inside the US
Outside the US
"Freeman, you know more about this topic than 99.9% of the Christian ministers I have talked with."
--Texe Marrs
Return of the Nephilim 2 disk set $24.99 As in the days of Noah, when the Sons of God came down and took the wives and daughters of men, so too are we now in an age of revelation about our ancient past. Join Freeman on a path down through the ages, as together, we explore the mysteries left encoded in ancient structures and writings and how they affect the world today. Could the New World Order have an ancient past?
Freeman invites thinkers and scholars to discuss the veracity of the ancient astronaut hypothesis. Giorgio Tsoukalos of the Ancient Astronaut Research Center and Michael Tsarion, author of Atlantis, Alien Visitations and Genetic Manipulations, share their knowledge and Freeman meets a Raelian. Dr. Richard Guerrero shares his views as a member of the controversial, extra-terrestrial, Raelian movement. This is 5 hours you don't want to miss folks. Revelation is at hand.
Inside the US
Outside the US
Join Freeman for a discussion of current events involving Anna Nicole, Britney Spears, Madonna, Walt Disney and much more. Could our top pop stars be mind controlled slaves for the Illuminati. Is Anna Nicole's baby girl an attempt to raise a "moonchild" through an occult ritual? You decide.
Inside the US
Outside the US
To order by mail add $4 shipping or $15 for all 5
please send check, cash, or money order to:
P.O. Box 581
Lawrence, KS

Read More on Freemason Symbolsplease send check, cash, or money order to:
P.O. Box 581
Lawrence, KS
Stay Tuned - More Occult Analysis Coming
Vigilant Citizen is always a great source for High Profile Ritual Analysis
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