Read Before Removed! DOD Document Spills the Beans and Martial Law Pacification at Child Safety Events
Monday, May 18, 2015 14:06
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By Lisa Haven
“…the battlefield may no longer be limited to regions afar, but may include the U.S. homeland.”
That is the unnerving quote found in a government study titled “Unconventional Operational Concept and the Homeland.”
America may not yet feel like we are living in the middle of a
battlefield, we could very well become caught in the coming battle many
are projecting for the the near future…at least that is what the
Department of Defense wants citizens to believe.
the United States government has been significantly increasing their
training preparations with massive military drills like Jade Helm and
the stockpiling of ammo, guns, body armor and the like. The possibility
of some type of crisis or the declaration of martial law could become a
reality a lot sooner than I would like to believe.
additional concern is the pacification of society to militarized
vehicles. Just a few days ago a tipster sent me a video clip displaying
the local police department dressed in SWAT gear with MRAPS, gas masks
and riot gear at a Child Safety Event!
Here is the breaking report…
The Unconventional Operational Concept and the Homeland Report
was prepared as part of the Defense Science Board 2007 Summer Study on
Challenges to Military Operations in Support of National Interests. It
delves into the possibility of a catastrophe or crisis here at home
while our military is deployed abroad at war or some other military
issue. If that happens then the DOD will be called upon to act here in
America. This document ensures preparations for that.
Here are a few important points contained in the report:
Page iii-
“…the battlefield may no longer be limited to regions afar, but may include the U.S. homeland.”
Page vii-
Deployment and Supply: Three areas seemed most important for DOD
attention: (1) critical infrastructure protection and/or resiliency, (2)
logistics, and (3) family and individual preparedness. A fourth area,
military installation protection and preparedness, was the subject of a
recent DSB task force.
Page xiii-
the interagency arena, a positive example of how things should work can
be found in the Joint Interagency Task Force – South. This pairing of
military and civilian government agencies under a unified command
structure provides for routine interaction between the entities that
will need to work together effectively during a crisis.”
Page xvi-
the most neglected member of the homeland security/defense team is the
private sector. The private sector owns most of the infrastructure and
will be the most effective in protecting (given timely and adequate
threat information) and restoring its function after an attack. As such,
it must be an integral member of the team alongside government actors
in federal planning and information-sharing activities.
between sector owners and operators and their federal agency interfaces
are uneven—a striking condition that emerged during the course of this
study. In some cases, especially where there is a history of a
non-regulatory partnership, like the defense industrial base and energy
sectors, relationships were positive, characterized by open and frequent
communication and information sharing. Others were more one-way, with
the federal “partner” more controlling and didactic. The realization
that the sectors have more intimate knowledge of not only their own
sectors, but their ties to other sectors, has yet to be well understood
and embraced at the federal level.”
Page xvi-
of Defense leadership in the interagency is needed to address current
deficiencies in national plans and strategies and support for domestic
threat assessment.”
Page 4 and 5-
Consequences of Catastrophe, how our America will fall apart:
1. Failure of critical infrastructure- lack of goods and services
2. Insufficient professional resources to deal with multiple catastrophes
3. National Will hard to focus- Public anger manifested through misguided, vigilante-style attacks.
Impaired ability of national, state, and local gov to govern- lack of,
or confusing, communications, fractured local authority, insufficient,
disorganized emergency response.
Without adequate preparedness at all levels of government, across the private sector, and among the populace, the post-attack results could indeed become catastrophic. Some outcomes might include:
- Flight. Remaining in place would prove untenable for many people for actual or perceived reasons.
- Breakdown of mutual aid agreements. Resource-intensive incidents are
typically handled through mutual aid agreements within the National
Guard, first responder, and medical communities. When under attack, however, leaders in unaffected regions might opt not to support interregional common aid agreements and to conserve their resources in case they are needed locally.
Breakdown of civil order. Looting, vigilante actions, gang violence,
riots, and civil disobedience would further stress first responders.
- Failure of quarantine. Many will be reluctant to stay confined.
- Hoarding. People will rush to amass excess goods to stock up after the attack.
- “Shoot your neighbor.” As people perceive the social and civil situation
they will escalate the force they use as a first resort to protect home
and family from interlopers (“shoot first, ask questions later”).
- Rampant rumors. Media will promulgate messages from many sources without confirmation.
- Population center “meltdowns.” Many U.S. population centers are located
where life without infrastructure services will be difficult to
sustain, such as in the desert southwest in summer and northern cities
in winter.
Page 10-
“The study found nothing in legislation, directives, or other documents to prevent a more aggressive posture and engagement by DOD.”
Page 11-
Posse Comitatus Act is typically viewed as a restriction on DOD
engagement since it punishes those who “…except in cases and under
circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of
Congress, willfully use any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse
comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws….” A statutory exception to
posse comitatus allows the President or other key government officials
special authorizations for engaging the military in domestic situations.
That authority has been exercised sparingly; examples include granting
the U.S. Coast Guard law enforcement authorities and allowing the
military to share information and equipment with civilian law
enforcement, while prohibiting its ability to make arrests or conduct
searches and seizures.
Page 12-
the incidents on September 11, 2001, the nation was forced into a new
level of national preparedness against attack on the homeland. The
Department of Homeland Security was created to take the lead role in
homeland security.”
Page 20- Hypothetical scenario and what they will do…
purposes of this discussion, the study assumed a multi-point attack on
the United States that is severe enough for the President to declare the
nation “under attack,” with federal authorities in overall control.
Under such conditions, national resources will be stretched to the point
where demands for national and international requests will go unmet.
Local resources will also be overwhelmed and could face societal panic,
if people feel localities are unable to provide law and order, medical
care, municipal services (water, refuse), food, energy, trade,
transportation, information system availability, and protection from the
elements. Under such a scenario, two critical warfighting requirements
occur simultaneously: defending against domestic catastrophe and
ensuring deployment and supply. Domestic catastrophes occur in an
environment of a large, undisciplined population, and these violent
attacks can have a destabilizing effect on society. On the other hand,
military deployment and supply take place in a disciplined organization,
trained to accomplish the mission. Yet the two are linked—military
deployment and supply is critically dependent on infrastructure elements
that may be destroyed or severely compromised in a domestic
catastrophe. Furthermore, both missions will draw on many of the same
people and equipment, as discussed in the previous chapter. The
protection challenge for the U.S infrastructure is significant, as
illustrated in Table 5.
Page 32-
have been conditioned over many decades to assume disaster relief
assistance will come from communities adjacent to military installations
and that other federal and state assets will be available.
the event of coordinated asymmetric attacks in many parts of the
country and/or simultaneously with a natural disaster or avian flu
pandemic, emergency responders and relief organizations may not be able
to move across local or state borders. Resources will be severely
strained and responders will be busy dealing with or preparing to deal
with disaster on their home turf.”
Page 36:
to FEMA, there are over 2,200 Citizens Corp Councils serving areas
containing 75 percent of the total U.S. population.”
Page 43- Fusion Centers
9/11 many state and local jurisdictions have established “fusion”
centers for the purpose of collecting information on terrorist threats
from a wide range of sources—including criminal investigations, the
media, and tips from the public.”
46 states and the District of Columbia have operating fusion centers to
create a fuller picture of potential threats in their area.”
Page 44-
consensus among these sectors suggested that the GCC/SCC “partnership”
concept is good because it provides an opportunity to build trust among all stakeholders.”
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