Saturday, May 23, 2015

REBELLION: This State Just Voted to Ignore ALL Obama’s Executive Orders

REBELLION: This State Just Voted to Ignore ALL Obama’s Executive Orders

Barack Obama is not afraid to wield executive power to accomplish his agenda.  Whether he is ordering immigration officials to ignore deportation laws or mandating certain crimes not be prosecuted, Obama loves to run America by his own rules.
But one state just came up with a surprising plan to stop Obama’s end-run around democracy. This state’s move could prove to be first among many states rejecting Obama’s overreaching.

This week, Arizona passed two bills to stop Obama dead in his tracks.
The first bill, Arizona House Bill 2368, introduced by Rep. Bob Thorpe (R-Flagstaff), prevents the state of Arizona from funding any executive orders issued by President Obama, or policy directives issued by the Department of Justice.
The Arizona State Legislature website described the bill as prohibiting “this state or any of its political subdivisions from using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer or cooperate with an executive order issued by the President of the U.S. that has not been affirmed by a vote of Congress and signed into law as prescribed by the U.S. Constitution.” (H/T
However, the defiant bill does not stop there. It also “prohibits this state or any of its political subdivisions from using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer or cooperate with a policy directive issued by the U.S. DOJ to law enforcement agencies in this state that has not been affirmed by a vote of Congress and signed into law as prescribed by the U.S. Constitution.”
The legislation, if passed, would effectively make Arizona independent of federal laws.
The second bill, House Bill 2643, stops state and local governments from using state funds to enforce and implement the Affordable Care Act.
Both bills passed the Arizona House and will now move to the Senate.
We support Arizona’s opposition to Obama’s shocking power grabs and hope the state is successful in its efforts to stop Obama’s executive orders.  Democracy will be better served.

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